Sépulture A/181 tombes de guerre du Commonwealth dans Ambly

Type(s) de sépulture
Autre type ?
Autre matériaux ? Pierre
Aspect visuel Bon
Aspect légal
Sépulture Intérêt Historique Locale Historique|Artistique|Social|Technique|Paysage
Fonction sociale
Aucune inscription sociale Non défini
Inhumation avant 1945 ?
Combattant 14-18 Non
Combattant 40-45


Per ardua ad astra.. Flight lieutenant G.Cox. Pilot. Royal Air Force. 6th january 1945. age 23. So he passed over and all the trumpets sounded for him on the other side. Remembrance.
Per ardua ad astra.. 1320692. Warrant officier. A.C. Cheese. Air Bomber. Royal Air Force. 6th january 1945. age 23. In memory of a living husband and son who fought so brave. Remembrance.
Per ardua ad astra. Royal Canadian Air Force. Pilot Officier. C.D.Mison. Air Gunner Royal Canadian Air Force. 6th january 1945. age 22. As we loved him so we miss him. Mother and dad. Remembrance.
Per ardua ad astra. Flying Officier R. Maden. Navigator. Royal Air Force. 6th january 1945. Beautiful memories treasured for ever of a loving son and brother. Remembrance.
Per ardua ad astra 1303911 Flight Sergeant. C.D.C. Farlie. Air Gunner. Royal Air Force. 6th january 1945. age 23. Lonely is our home without you, life for us is not the same. Pop, Mum, Phil and Pete. Remembrance.
Per ardua ad astra 13j5306 Warrant Officier. F.E.T. Davy. Wireless Operator/Air Gunner. Royal Air Force. 6th january 1945. age 23. In everloving memory of my dear son sadly missed. Mum, Nellie and Connie. Remembrance.
Per ardua ad astra 1824947. Sergeant. S.R. Fenwyck. Flight Engineer. Royal Air Force. 6th january 1945. age 20. Beloved younger son of Harold H. and Ethel A. Fenwick Balmeg Ave, Giffnock, Glasgow. Remembrance.
Per ardua ad astra 1579588 Flight Sergeant . A.E. Meekings. Wireless operator/Air Gunner. Royal Air Force. 6th january 1945. age 20. Treasured memories of a young life nobly given. Mam and Dad.

Liste des noms indiqués sur cette sépulture

Nom Né le Décédé le
Cheese Alfred Charles 1922 06/01/1945
Cox Geoffrey 1922 06/01/1945
Davy Frederick Edwin Thomas 1923 06/01/1945
Farlie Charles David Craven 1922 06/01/1945
Fenwick Stanley Reeves 1925 06/01/1945
Maden Ronald 06/01/1945
Meekings Albert Edward 1925 06/01/1945
Mison Charles Donald 1923 06/01/1945

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